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15 December 2020

New release: Meet the Danes: a novel

Here's my excuse for slacking off on Coronravirus DK earlier this year, when things were going much better in Denmark. I have spent my lockdown time dusting off an old manuscript from the vault and shining it up.

Now I'm publishing my first novel:

Meet the Danes: a novel

 From the back cover:

Meet the Danes is a rollicking satire of 1980s American pop culture disastrously transplanted into the unsuspecting nation of Denmark … and Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy-tale land will never be the same.

When newlywed but jobless academic Norman McKay follows his wife, Kirsten, back to her homeland, he struggles to fit in—until by chance he gets recruited to help launch Denmark’s first commercial television network, DK2. With programming fueled by Norman’s twisted take on American viewing habits, DK2 sparks a culture war that quickly spirals out of control, sowing confusion, political controversy, violent resistance, and murder. Norman’s increasingly desperate attempts to salvage DK2 and prove his goodwill only end up sabotaging his marriage, incurring a centerfold’s wrath, and provoking U.S. military aggression against its puny NATO ally.

Can Norman pull the plug before it’s too late? Television overtakes reality and reality imitates television as the world’s oldest kingdom careens into surrealistic turmoil.

Readers of the blog will find the tone of the book rather different, but I hope you will enjoy it. Please share this announcement with anyone you think might be interested.

Paperback and Kindle editions are available on the Amazon sites—in the US, the UK, and Germany—and the paperback will soon be available on other online bookstores. 

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